Found 3 blog entries tagged as buying a home.

Save energy and money

If you want to reduce your home energy costs, the easiest way is to turn the thermostat up or down. In fact, you probably won’t notice a difference of 2 degrees either way — and the savings can be substantial.

However, if you want to lower your bill even further each month, here are some additional tips that are relatively easy to implement:

1) Plug or fix the drafts. Even in newer homes, air filtration can occur at windows and doors. So, check around your home for drafts. Windy or cold days are the best days to check. Then, get any drafts you find repaired or, at least, temporarily plugged.

2) Check the attic. Heat rises and can escape through the attic. So, once a year, check the attic insulation for thin or bare spots. The insulation…

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The Top 7 Reasons to Buy a Home in the Winter Featured Image 

Think the only time to buy a home in Edmonton is in the spring or summer? Think again! Here are seven great reasons why wintertime may be the BEST time to hit the market (seriously!).

1. Eager Sellers

We think it’s pretty fair to say that no one WANTS to move in the middle of winter (especially in Alberta). If someone has put their home on the market in thirty-below weather, you can (almost) bet they are selling now because waiting for balmier temperatures isn’t an option.

As a result, you can look forward to highly motivated home sellers who may be more willing to negotiate on sale price, terms of sale, closing date, closing costs and much more. 

2. Less Competition

People aren’t just less enthusiastic to sell in the winter, they’re…

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