Devon Davidson – MaxWell Devonshire Realty

Banisha Sandhu – MaxWell Polaris

Malkit Sran – Maxwell Polaris

Hirdejot Mander – MaxWell Polaris

Nancy Dere – Akande – MaxWell Elite (Welcome Back)


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JayMan is the first major builder in Alberta that has fully endorsed solar. Kudos to them for taking a big step. And it's gotten lots of press coverage, along with all the sales people in the showhomes pushing it as a feature.


But is it worth it?  And, how do we measure what something is worth?

  1. Is it just financial returns
  2. Are you willing to buy for the environment alone (ignoring the disposal and manufacturing of the panels)
  3. Or is it the self sufficiency aspect of knowing that you are WHOLLY reliant on the grid / others?

In terms of the last point, the self sufficiency, I like being self sufficient.  But in Alberta, even the biggest installation that could fit on my roof is NOT going to enable me to go off-grid in December. …

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Not much is written about HOW - TO successfully flip homes in Calgary.  Most agents just point you to some cheap homes, and say, fix them, sell them for more.  I think there has to be more to it.  More science.  More of a guide.  More steps.  So, I set out to start.  This is what I do for my FLIP clients.  Your agent might have other concepts, but this is what I consider advanced.

Here are my rules:

  1. buy in a good location
    1. ensure the home isn't on a major road and/or backs to major road.
  2. focus on the older areas. Think of the homes we grew up in or our grandparents owned.  Typically large lots.  Typically bungalows
  3. use area VALUE CHARTS to quickly identify which areas are possible to flip
  4. next, ensure that even if the value chart…

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